Wednesday, October 7, 2009

hari yg endah~~

bright smile la today....

received few e-mails from him....
tataw la pesal lak tetibe kan..
mayb sbb beberapa ayat yg die cakap kat yat then yat pas kat aku..

aku plak jdik kurg sbar g msg die blablabla.....

Alhamdulillah skunk i'm in a good feeling n bley pikir sewajar-wajarnya...

aku hargai apa yg die nk sampaikan kat aku from da emails...
1 of it ade lah yg sum1 wrote about belajar erti redho dan sabar...
x malu nk ckp yg i learned sumthin from that.....
kalo korg nk tawu pe ayatnye ley la komen kat cni t aku 4ward kat korang..
really ley wat kite insap..
kalo aku paste cni t korg confirm ckp aku hipokrit....

then adela cerita2 bout jodoh , cinta and few hadith bout woman..
kalo korg nk try  baca la kan kot2 bley jadikan panduan hidop...hehee
really appreciate dat....

harp2 blog inih x diketahui oleh yg x sepatotnya..haha

keep smilingggg~~~~

5 fabulous prerogative:

Unknown on October 7, 2009 at 11:04 PM said...

haa!! ape die ape die?
nk tau.....
wess.. sapekah org yg xdiingini tuh?

Fatin Farhanah on October 7, 2009 at 11:43 PM said...

weh lu ingt neh gosep terhangat abad neh ke hape..
teruja cam minah kepoh gian nk gosep...

Unknown on October 8, 2009 at 11:42 PM said...

mane plakkk..
aku cume teruja nak tawu saje..

nad on October 13, 2009 at 7:47 PM said...

xpyh nk poyo la~~~
lpekn je die cri org laen~~
die 2 pasan bgus je~~
hrp mke je ensem...
prngai mcm bgus!!

NVP on October 29, 2009 at 5:43 PM said...

atin x btol!!