wakaka..tajok nk gedik jhe..
yela kalo de org google britany ley promote belog skalikan..bwahahha....
okeh nk crite how amazed i feel wen 4 da 1st time tengok motocross in real beb..huhu...
batak giler..haaha..
macam2 jenis saiz motor aku tgk n macam2 jenis kaler kulit dapt dilihat..gheheheh.....
bapak aku ckp neh standard kapcai punye..hukhukhuk
yg ni besar cket..kuikui...
see...ley capture pe action2 neh...baru test power my brittany...x yah SLR dah..heheh...
haha..kne sembunyi2 nk capture...see..pelbagai skin kaler rite??hahahhahah
x bnyak dpt capture coz spot kitorg kurg strategic..x ley nmpk da whole litar...
nk jlan ke spot yg besh malaz..panasnyeh bukan maen...camneh la dorg pkai suit yg tebal siap helmet lg pas2 wat stunt tengah2 panas..hahha
ok ni lah brittany yg i maksudkan...heheh.nk promote lak kan...
i punye yg midnight summer..x taw la plak de bnyk cver..kalo taw ley request nk yg splashed art.cumel kan..huhu..if korg bli yg poetic white korg akn dpt 1 free of da clamshell above...
n if korg interested with metal grey korg akan dpt 1 free clamshell seprti diatas..huhu..okeh..penat promote dah....
3 fabulous prerogative:
wahahaha..kirenye ko ni sdg mempromot henpon baru la neh..XP
paten punya henpon baru sgt coooool!
sa jeh..
tuk korg gakk....
kalo2 ngah mencarik aset terbaru..kehkehkeh
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